BIKE Super Fail Compilation (September 2013)
This fail compilation bike videos has been uploaded by the manager on the largest videos sharing website in the planet, namely YOUTUBE.
This videos has data that "BIKE Super Fail Compilation (September 2013), Fail Bicyclists Funny Compilation, super fails,best fails, falls, mistakes, false starts, hilarious, funny, lau...", And the videos is titled "BIKE Super Fail Compilation (September 2013)".
Based on our last scan, this videos has a value 4 of 5 youtube watcher. We can look this videos on youtube specifically throught the accompanying URL : - fail compilation bike.
As Alice Gross' parents tell of agony, questions for police after body found ...
Bike Fails Compilation 2014
This fail compilation bike videos has been posted by the owner on the biggest videos sharing website in the world, in particular YOUTUBE.
This videos has information that "Website: **Remember, The best way to get in contact with me is through my Twitter page or direct messaging me on Youtube!** *Pl...", Also the videos is titled "Bike Fails Compilation 2014".
In light of our last search, this videos has a worth 4 of 5 youtube watcher. We can watch this videos on youtube specifically throught the following link : - fail compilation bike.
your nuts poped
1. learn to level yourself -_-
2. Mountain bikes and bigger bikes are not meant for jumps or tricks
3. dont so something if you know you cant do it Cx
common fuckin sense people XD
no one is gonna wanna look at you or the nasty ass gash on the side of your
head when you bust it open....
OUCH.. ;)
one when that girl hit that mud ramp at 60mph and went over and landed in
the water.I have never laughed so hard.
" stupid people," especially for those not wearing a helmet.
stuff, more body hurt. Ive gone over the handle bars a few times and it
didn't really hurt, but it's like it stunts your whole body just makes you
feel like "eeeuuuuhhhhhh....."
back flip the bowl,and hook,and bang his head on the edge,I can't get that
out my head,dude probably has some permenant damage from that !!!
talking about! They just make themselves look stupid.
fucking idiot sounds better
Crocodile Orgasm LOL & LMAO :D