Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Top Video of #195 ROAD FAIL COMPILATION ➜ APRIL 2014 (5)

Fail Compilation Video: Top Video of #195 ROAD FAIL COMPILATION ➜ APRIL 2014 (5).


The fail compilation car features has been posted by the youtube user on the biggest features sharing website in the world, in particular YOUTUBE. The features has data that "WATCH HD!!!NOT ONLY FAIL! SUBSCRIBE TO CHANNEL FOR DAILY CRASH VIDEOS! -FACEBOOK CONTACT: -SUBSCR...", And the features is titled "#195 ROAD FAIL COMPILATION ➜ APRIL 2014 (5)".

In light of our last pursuit, this features has a value 4 of 5 youtube users. You can watch this features on youtube directly throught the following URL : - fail compilation car.

Best Of Car Fail Compilation - 2013

Best Of Car Fail Compilation - 2013

This fail compilation car features has been distributed by the owner on the biggest features sharing website in the world, namely YOUTUBE.

This features has data that "Enjoy new car fail compilation - Febryary 2013 Don't forget to subscribe for more :) Tags: Ambulance Fail Another Mascot Fail Another Skateboarding Fail Back...", And the features is titled "Best Of Car Fail Compilation - 2013".

In light of our last scan, this features has a worth 0 of 5 youtube watcher. We can watch this features on youtube directly throught the accompanying link : - fail compilation car.

Related Posts: Top Video of #195 ROAD FAIL COMPILATION ➜ APRIL 2014 (5)

46 comments: Top Video of #195 ROAD FAIL COMPILATION ➜ APRIL 2014 (5)

  1. Михаил Магеррамов December 11, 2014 at 6:39 AM X
    02:50 за ТП столько машин пострадал ...зачем это дура зеркалу не смотрит
    когда тормозит на зеленый ....
    1. What I like most about these videos is the inappropriate soundtrack
      provided by the car stereos. 
      1. Why dont russian people know how to drive?
        1. Why are Russians so fucking stupid
          1. Makes one wonder how anybody in Russia is still alive.
            1. .... wie assig ist das denn bitte ? bei 2.45 ... zu 3 aufn roller? das KIND
              höchstens 2 jahre alt ,mit dabei ? o.O wo leben die denn bitte?
              1. Иосиф Сталин December 11, 2014 at 9:09 AM X
                Seems more like Russia-Asia stupidity competition. Guess who wins
                1. This is Russia !!!!
                  1. what happened to saying BILLYARDS
                    1. Legendelliot94GAME December 11, 2014 at 10:56 AM X
                      0:04 That just wasn't smart....
                      1. FEDX is fast...
                        1. What song was at 11:54 ?
                          1. keokiracerhalsteren December 11, 2014 at 12:25 PM X
                            Song in first clip is really nice!
                            Lana Del Rey - Young And Beautiful (Kevin Blanc Remix)
                            Took me like 15 minutes to find :P
                            1. 0:40 I am always happy when I see strangers helping each other.
                              1. 14:19, We got these kinda people here in america, dent your sweet ride then
                                1. People Like strike !!!
                                  1. does anyone else find it kinda funny that most of the wrecks and car
                                    accidents in every compilation video is usually and 90% of the time in
                                    1. I won't claim to be an expert on any culture…but I just don't understand
                                      the people who witness an accident but just keep driving. 
                                      1. @ 3:43 There's nothing funnier than watching a couple of slanty eyed chinks
                                        fight in the street.
                                        1. lol fedEX
                                          1. What's the song at 10:25?
                                            1. 3:45 possibly the world's worst batter. Did he even hit him? That's like
                                              someone laying on the trigger of a machine gun, spraying aimlessly and
                                              still not hitting the target.
                                              1. LADA IS EVERYFUCKINGWHERE!
                                                1. I love how in 1:20 he lights up a cigarette before getting out of the car,
                                                  he is thinking i'll be here for awhile. Lol
                                                  1. Thru the grapevines, across the road, nuthin but electric pole!
                                                    1. Ебать типа бампером приебало))))
                                                      1. 1:20 just fucking lights a cigarette 
                                                        1. Bridgetennis guru December 11, 2014 at 8:16 PM X
                                                          Seriously, that was like one of the most OMG yet LOL moments
                                                          1. 3:40 best one! Love the laughs from both of them! 
                                                            1. Сергей Уполовников December 11, 2014 at 9:12 PM X
                                                              3:40 Можно смотреть бесконечно
                                                              1. @3:43- Just brilliant :-)
                                                                1. Love the quad at the end guy's butt must have itched so he scratched on the
                                                                  1. @0:25 that bitch must have been SLEEPING at the wheel! 
                                                                    1. at 5:14. The Clip shows us a Rally driver named Petter Solberg. He's from
                                                                      norway, and that was the last year of his Rally-tour.. Now he's driving
                                                                      Rallycross. <3! Proud of him right now :P
                                                                      1. Crazy Russians
                                                                        1. 5:30...Keep going! You're good, you're good, you're good, you're good...
                                                                          1. 2:29 Arnold schwarzenegger XD
                                                                            1. the cunt cycling backwards then goes into the bike and falls off! what a
                                                                              1. Not the cars failed, the stupid drivers did
                                                                                1. 5:49 Ok steve's car is in the spot. Now just open the a little
                                                                                  more (BANG) YAY I GOT IT! (Smashes button more and more) AGAIN AGAIN! FUCK
                                                                                  YOU STEVE!
                                                                                  1. 2:29 arnold schwarzenegger is driving 
                                                                                    1. 0:55 what is that???
                                                                                      1. No one is going to talk about 3:33?? I laughed my pants off.
                                                                                        1. 5:56 lol
                                                                                          1. 00:46 hahaha what did he expect?
                                                                                            1. Oceanbrickfire OBFD December 12, 2014 at 4:47 AM X
                                                                                              3:31 The car that caused it looks like it only got a minor problem on it's
                                                                                              bumper meanwhile everyone else is crushed. 
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