Thursday, December 11, 2014

Top #199 ROAD FAIL COMPILATION ➜ APRIL 2014 (9) Youtube Video

Fail Compilation Video: Top #199 ROAD FAIL COMPILATION ➜ APRIL 2014 (9) Youtube Video.


This fail compilation car videos has been posted by the manager on the biggest videos sharing website in the planet, in particular YOUTUBE.

This videos has description that "WATCH HD!!!NOT ONLY FAIL! SUBSCRIBE TO CHANNEL FOR DAILY CRASH VIDEOS! -FACEBOOK CONTACT: -SUBSCR...", Also the videos is titled "#199 ROAD FAIL COMPILATION ➜ APRIL 2014 (9)".

In light of our last search, this videos has a value 4 of 5 youtube clients. We can look this videos on youtube specifically via the following connetion : - fail compilation car.



This fail compilation car videos has been published by the owner on the largest videos sharing website in the planet, namely YOUTUBE.

This videos has data that "WATCH HD!!!NOT ONLY FAIL! SUBSCRIBE TO CHANNEL FOR DAILY CRASH VIDEOS! -FACEBOOK CONTACT: Other T...", And the videos is titled "#205 ROAD FAIL COMPILATION ➜ JULY 2014 (2)".

In light of our last scan, this videos has a worth 4 of 5 youtube users. We can look this videos on youtube specifically via the following link : - fail compilation car.

Related Posts: Top #199 ROAD FAIL COMPILATION ➜ APRIL 2014 (9) Youtube Video

30 comments: Top #199 ROAD FAIL COMPILATION ➜ APRIL 2014 (9) Youtube Video

  1. 13:34 do that in the US and you would prolly get shot 
    1. Is everyone fucking drunk in this bloody country!
      1. 3:04 true citizen, a real fucking hero!
        1. Am I the only one who laughs a lot when I see really expensive cars being
          driven by idiots crash? 
          1. Shit drunk, shit brakes, no drivers license's or ones that were bought not
            earned, shitty skills, shitty traffic control, shitty drivers
            training, shitty roads, shitty cars and often shitty weather all rolled
            into one to make one huge pile of shit.
            1. insurance companies in Russia must make bank.
              1. Dam Russia you got some ugly cars. I mean Americas cars are ugly but yeah
                man sorry get some designers over there I will gladly design for you. for a
                modest amount of money.
                1. 8:33 Just a question: Do the fog lights exist in Russia? It's a really
                  stupid accident that could be avoided.
                  1. that's police brutality 13.34 .i mean reverse police brutality
                    1. Bender Bending Rodriguez December 11, 2014 at 11:15 AM X
                      Where the fuck did that guy at 4:42 come from??? He just fucking appeared..
                      1. 0:09 how... how do you even fuck up on a straight road..? How do you even
                        fishtail without a trailer?
                        1. what kind of cop is that at 13:42? if this guy did that in the USA, he'd
                          got shot 3 or 4 times after getting tasered.
                          1. 3:40 Hopeful he died in a big crash, if they would like to race, they can
                            go on a race track!
                            1. This is why russia has cars, I'm sure of it. Entertainment
                              1. Anyone else notice the chick at 3:19?!?!
                                1. u should move to the USA there is something here called Brakes
                                  1. 8:58 That was recorded in 2055? Damn things look exactly like today...
                                    1. If I ever see someone drving away like in these videos I would follow that
                                      guy until it stops and then punch them on the face and tell them how
                                      fucking coward they are.
                                      1. So many motorcycles got hit. And I can't believe that some people just
                                        drove away. That's very stupid
                                        1. The last one - I can´t stop laughing! :D
                                          1. The last :O What the Hell :D
                                            1. Faut être très brave pour conduire en moto en Russie
                                              1. 1:19 I notice the cyclist didn't even check over his shoulder before
                                                advancing into the street! Hence, I feel no pity for him, even though I'm a
                                                cyclist myself! Riding a motorcycle, bicycle, or scooter on a roadway,
                                                means you have to do so even *more* defensively than if you're in a car!
                                                1. Three Questions; Are there any road rules in Russia? Why do they bother
                                                  having traffic lights, and do you get a drivers license from a cereal
                                                  1. Анвар Ибрагимов December 11, 2014 at 6:59 PM X
                                                    Сука на женщину с пистолетом... чмо ебанное правильно она сделала надо было
                                                    еще этого чмошника задавить нахуй !!!
                                                    1. So many of them are making left turns from the right lane ... why? I
                                                      seriously do not understand. Are they blind??
                                                      1. Владимир Сороко December 11, 2014 at 7:51 PM X
                                                        Бля.Был тут хороший автор видосов у которого были действительно новые
                                                        подборки,так его на прошлой неделе забанили.Конкуренты суки тупые.У этого
                                                        автора тоже полное говно,которое уже все видели.Ютюб превращается в платное
                                                        говно где всё решают бабосы.Если так пойдёт то скоро этому ресурсу пизда.
                                                        1. Where are these all filmed? Because it's a nation of retards who's only
                                                          mode of transportation should be their feet...

                                                          ... if they can be trusted to walk with them and not crash into stupid
                                                          1. Half of these could have been prevented with some minor hazard perception.
                                                            1. 9:00 why does it say 2055 when its 2014
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