Monday, November 24, 2014

Top Youtube Video of Compilation of SAUDI DRIFT ACCIDENTS drifting car crashes BEST clips in one 9 min video! Wypadki

Fail Compilation Video: Top Youtube Video of Compilation of SAUDI DRIFT ACCIDENTS drifting car crashes BEST clips in one 9 min video! Wypadki.
Compilation of SAUDI DRIFT ACCIDENTS drifting car crashes BEST clips in one 9 min video! Wypadki

Compilation of SAUDI DRIFT ACCIDENTS drifting car crashes BEST clips in one 9 min video! Wypadki

The fail compilation car drift movie has been distributed by the owner on the largest movie sharing website in the planet, namely YOUTUBE. The movie has data that "drifting wypadki drift arab arabian drift dywany poczta polska tlumacz gry bitewne paznokcie restauracje aforyzmy cytaty sentencje czateria slowniki angielsk...", Also the movie is titled "Compilation of SAUDI DRIFT ACCIDENTS drifting car crashes BEST clips in one 9 min video! Wypadki".

Based on our last pursuit, this movie has a worth 3 of 5 youtube watcher. We can watch this movie on youtube specifically via the following connetion : - fail compilation car drift.

Car Crash Compilation # 2 :  Street Racers And Drifters Crash

Car Crash Compilation # 2 : Street Racers And Drifters Crash

This fail compilation car drift content has been distributed by the owner on the biggest content sharing website in the world, in particular YOUTUBE.

This content has data that "Car Crash Compilation # 2 2014: Street Racing Fails Visit Our Store Today: Make Quick Easy Money From Home: D...", Also the content is titled "Car Crash Compilation # 2 : Street Racers And Drifters Crash".

Based on our last pursuit, this content has a worth 3 of 5 youtube clients. We can look this content on youtube specifically throught the following URL : - fail compilation car drift.

Related Posts: Top Youtube Video of Compilation of SAUDI DRIFT ACCIDENTS drifting car crashes BEST clips in one 9 min video! Wypadki

36 comments: Top Youtube Video of Compilation of SAUDI DRIFT ACCIDENTS drifting car crashes BEST clips in one 9 min video! Wypadki

  1. Why do they all wear dresses made of bed sheets?
    1. that is the dumbest thing/people ive ever seen
      1. Man they must be retarded... you just DONT DRIFT ON A STRAIGHT ROAD.
        1. Hell in a country where there are NO cinemas what do you expect? I guess
          people are bored to death there
          1. No girls..... no night clubs.... no alcohol.... only drifting.... hahahaha
            1. I find it hilarious they use fwd budget family sedans. They must be the
              only ones in the world to "drift" these
              1. When you die drifting on a straight road, you shouldn't have been able to
                own a car.
                A straight fuckin road....
                1. Rich + Stupid + Arab = DEAD
                  1. Those people are one crazy and god will send em to hell their destroying
                    their lives
                    1. they are all cocky, Allah won't save those kind of idiot, because they are
                      playing with their life...
                      1. This is what happens when you give rage heads licenses and more than
                        1. FUCKING IDIOTS!
                          1. So they drift just for fun?
                            Ok...this world is doomed...
                            1. Note to self: Open a car body repair and respray business in the Middle
                              1. Instead of the Americans giving them guns to use against the rest of the
                                world, why not buy them all powerful cars - which they obviously don't know
                                how to drive - so they can write themselves off?
                                1. the world laughs at these primitive people! WOW! white mans speed
                                  machines! no need of fodder and no shit!
                                  1. GOD THEY ARE FUCKING IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY SHOULD NOT BE ABLE TO
                                    1. JUST HORRIBLE...
                                      1. Mother fuckers. They all should be in a fcking prison.
                                        The street is not a circuit, and the miserables of 2:49 should be even
                                        Unbrained and retard people
                                        1. how boring and unoriginal.
                                          1. 1:37 poor Shelby :'(
                                            1. The "drifter" at 0:59 never did a drift before he is just turning wheels in
                                              the direction of the wall
                                              1. at the last one im guessing he hit a bird
                                                1. 0:14 should be lined up against a wall by the BMW police and shot. How dare
                                                  you let your stupidity rid the world of one less E30?? Are you dumb man??
                                                  1. Attention-starved morons receiving karmic justice...
                                                    1. the RicerHomoFaggotry disease is strong here.
                                                      Also owning a Frod Rustang is an instant fail right from the start.
                                                      1. Silent Samurai Gaming December 11, 2014 at 9:07 PM X
                                                        What did the last guy hit? A bird?
                                                        1. I saw it on Fast and Furious so I can do it :P

                                                          1. Wow! even the stupidity is bigger in Texas!@2:18
                                                            1. That dude in the celiac is a dumbass. How did he expect to drift in an awd
                                                              1. Was the last one a bird or did he hit someone
                                                                1. 0:57 I think the driver should do left turn not right turn?
                                                                  1. hahahha "he was still moving so i ran over him"
                                                                    1. Waste of time stupid fuckin video!!!!
                                                                      1. Oh America 
                                                                        1. Target fixation drifters. Lol