Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Top Video of BRUTAL Broken Bones compilation 2012

Fail Compilation Video: Top Video of BRUTAL Broken Bones compilation 2012.
BRUTAL Broken Bones compilation 2012

BRUTAL Broken Bones compilation 2012

The fail compilation broken bones movie has been published by the youtube user on the largest movie sharing website in the planet, in particular YOUTUBE.

The movie has description that "", And the movie is titled "BRUTAL Broken Bones compilation 2012".

In light of our last scan, this movie has a value 3 of 5 youtube users. You can watch this movie on youtube directly throught the accompanying URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTViJTlgx7g - fail compilation broken bones.

Skateboarding Fail Compilation - Most Ultimate Painful Skate Fails - Broken Bones N Balls Collection

Skateboarding Fail Compilation - Most Ultimate Painful Skate Fails - Broken Bones N Balls Collection

The fail compilation broken bones features has been distributed by the youtube user on the largest features sharing website in the planet, in particular YOUTUBE.

The features has description that "Epic "Skateboarding Fail Compilation" - The Most Ultimate Painful Skate Fails See The Most Painful Skateboard Falls Ever - Bones Snapping - Balls Breaking - ...", And the features is titled "Skateboarding Fail Compilation - Most Ultimate Painful Skate Fails - Broken Bones N Balls Collection".

Based on our last scan, this features has a worth 3 of 5 youtube clients. We can look this features on youtube specifically via the following connetion : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHRkypxHq60 - fail compilation broken bones.

Related Posts: Top Video of BRUTAL Broken Bones compilation 2012

38 comments: Top Video of BRUTAL Broken Bones compilation 2012

  1. I have never broken a single bone because I drink lots of milk.
    1. I broke my arm once, horrible experience altogether. remember my arm having
      a slight bend in it and the sharp never ending throbbing pain shooting
      through my arm. nasty, hope i never brake another again. Although I do
      laugh at some of the reactions to some of the people in the video. Still
      not nice to. 
      1. 6:17 xD I laugh everything!!!!
        1. Lol Out Of The 10 Years Of My Life I Have Never Broken Or Sprag Or Bin
          Stung BY A Bee Ever XD
          1. if you're over 20 and never broke even a collarbone you're a pussy even if
            you drink milk
            1. I love when skaters break their bones, maybe they'll learn for once
              1. Got milk
                1. Idk why people hate this vid so much, so what if its copied? The owner
                  wants to share something he enjoys with us. Stop hatin
                  1. When I see people's bones break I laugh so hard it's funny to me xD if I
                    broke my bones I'd laugh so fucking much 
                    1. I just had one broken bone (my finger) because a fucking gypsi kicked it
                      1. Thanks god I don't skateboard.
                        1. OMFG this looks so painful
                          1. "I broke my leg"

                            "Yeah i see it"


                            "Oh shit"
                            1. The gymnast one
                              1. Do these people not drink any milk lol
                                1. ok that hurts
                                  1. Alternatively... most of this could be avoided by simply walking:-).
                                    1. Drives me insane to see videos from the 90's!! Come on people, we are in
                                      the 4k ages, HD! lol
                                      1. damn I am quitting skateboarding
                                        1. Very misleading title....I only saw two that would qualify.
                                          1. thebostonianguy1999 December 11, 2014 at 4:28 PM X
                                            WTF is a LEGO STOPMOTION doing here!?
                                            1. The best part of watching skateboarders is watching them smash there heads
                                              open on the concrete. I always get a sense of "that's what you get for not
                                              wearing a helmet." Love this video! 
                                              1. 1:31 DAT scream doe
                                                1. Funny cause they are skateboarders and they deserve this shit
                                                  1. Last one fake
                                                    1. 2:00 stupid 3 year old kid
                                                      1. 1:30 I love how the people who are sitting down are just like "oh, cry me a
                                                        river, kid."
                                                        1. 0:01 " I have to land one before I go to bed."
                                                          1. Dat fucking ENDING THOuGH AGH!
                                                            1. Eat Sleep Vlog9129 December 11, 2014 at 9:17 PM X
                                                              I don't get the OMG MY BALLS ARE BLEEDING like how does that little split
                                                              make your balls bleed I can do the splits
                                                              1. 1:45 I love how he gets out his phone to post it
                                                                1. At 2:03 what is that video called 
                                                                  1. He ain't got no damn sense... He's gon' die.
                                                                    1. Who else felt.the pain when the kid hit his balls?

                                                                      I felt that pain lol xD

                                                                      No kids for him '-'
                                                                      1. this is like the worst video, most of this is tame compared to some crazy
                                                                        shit on here
                                                                        1. Don't worry guys it wasn't his balls that was on tv and they said it was is
                                                                          1. OMG that kid with his bleeding balls :O and the last one he said OMG look
                                                                            OMG and that other guy you need to go to the Hospital i was like No Shit
                                                                            You Seriously?
                                                                            1. the kid that was bleeding his ball is he alright that looked very painful
                                                                              like holy shit